Lissy Cole - Ngāti Hineamaru, Ngāti Kahu Lissy is an Auckland based artist who has always created from her wildest imagination. Heavily influenced by her father, renowned fashion designer Colin Cole, she’s spent her life around textiles and fashion. Her...
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Diving back in Ok, so upon greater reflection, it's fair to say that perhaps July was a little bit later than necessary for Colour in the Cold 2021. We promise next year, we'll put it back to June! Our Zeenya...
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Lyndy Wilson - Ngāti Wairere Always starting from a wash of colour, Lyndy’s work is inspired by her natural environment. Living in Ngāruawāhia she is surrounded by it. From the flowing Waikato and Waipa rivers to the ever changing Hakariamata...
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Maria back in her happy place in the Port Hills of Christchurch Christchurch based runner and business owner Maria Amos has a pretty adventurous soul. Over the past four years though, things have had to slow down for her after...
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Meet Lisa. She’s the oldest of 3 children, with a younger sister and brother. She’s also the eldest of 4, with two older brothers and one younger brother. And she’s also the 2nd eldest of 4, with an older sister...
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