
Oxfam 100km Challenge - The wrap up
Contributed by Jeanine Glen Team Go Run Girls, Jeanine, Maree, Katrina and Laurie set out on the 20th of March to conquer the ever amazing, Oxfam Trailwalker 100km Challenge. Raising money to help end global poverty. With all the teams...
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Spirited Women - Northland Wrap Up
Contributed by Allysia Kraakman March 12-14th saw Team Zeenya take to the Spirited Women - All Women's Adventure Race in stunning Northland. Where teams of 4 women trek, kayak and mountain bike while navigating a course in an epic location. All...
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Chloe and Kim's Epic Adventures
Kim poses with with her head behind an old miners outfit Contributed by Kim Elswood Epilogue: Whilst training for Tarawera, Chloe and I met up a couple of times in Rotorua to do a few training runs through the Redwoods...
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Go Run Girls - Oxfam Challenge
Here at Zeenya HQ, we're really stoked to have connections to so many epic female driven communities. One of those is Go Run Girls. Coach Maree won't be a stranger to many of you, you might have even read about...
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New Year Sale - FAQ's
We definitely don't do sales like this often/never! After losing some key events with the NZ Lockdown we've gone a little crazy about moving some items from our range.  Here's a few commonly asked questions  1. If my product isn't the...
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