Eve has been a lover of Zeenya for years and has gathered quite an epic collection of colour in her wardrobe. As a Run Coach for her business Life In Motion, Eve spends ALL of her time wearing Zeenya, so it's a justified addiction!
In the busy Health and Wellness space Eve is forging a refreshing path of inclusion and community with her business Life In Motion Run Club. With a focus on providing runners with easy to follow, effective strength workouts, Eve does all she can to give runners in her online community confidence to run strong. For those based in Wellington she also guides runners on Wednesday night and Sunday morning running adventures - this crew is easy to spot with Zeenya being the ‘unofficial’ uniform!

We love Eve's story of self-confidence too. Born with a cleft lip and palate she used to avoid being in photos, even as recently as a few years ago she would never have voluntarily been photographed let alone apply to be a brand ambassador with us. Eve knows her inner strength comes from hard work and for that reason she inspires us to look inside and believe in ourselves.