What's in a (print) name?
Some of you awesome followers may have seen our post in June which announced our 100th unique print. It's not the first time we called on our fans to help name our prints.
With our next NZ Made Range as part of the Gratitude Collection not too far away - we decided to share with you ALL of our previous print names, so when you're helping name one in future collections you can refer back here to see if we've already had it.
WARNING: print naming can be addictive and is best completed with a lil' glass of somethin' somethin' in your hand. Be sure to keep an eye out on our socials to get involved in the next print naming fun!
Abundante | Abundant | Activo | Active |
Alegria | Joy | Amarelo | Yellow |
Amazon | Amazon | Animado | Excite |
Aquatico | Aquatic | Arara | Parrot |
Ativar | Activate | Atrevido | Sassy |
Aurora | Daybreak | Aventura | Adventure |
Botanico | Botanic | Brasa | Ember |
Brava | Brave | Caleido | Kaleidoscope |
Caligrafia | Calligraphy | Carnaval | Carnival |
Celestial | Heavenly | Chita Escuro | Dark Cheetah |
Chloezinha | Little Chloe | Circo | Circus |
Colorida | Colourful | Coqueiro | Coconut |
Corrente | Current | Cosmico | Cosmic |
Costa | Shore | Danca | Dance |
Diamante | Diamond | Electrica | Electric |
Energia | Energy | Enegizar | Energise |
Espirito | Spirited | Evoluir | Evolve |
Explorar | Explore |
Feroz | Fierce | Florsecer | Flourish |
Floripa | Florinopolis | Florzinha | Little Flower |
Forteleza | Forteleza | Forte | Strong |
Fresco | Fresh | Galaxia | Galaxy |
Hamsa | Hamsa | Hibisco | Hibiscus |
Ilha Tropical | Tropical Island | Illuminado | Illuminate |
Impulso | Momentum | Inspirar | Inspire |
Intrepido | Intrepid | Ipanema | Ipanema |
Irmazinha | Little Sister | Jardim | Garden |
Jardim Azul | Blue Garden | Jubiloso | Joyful |
Labarinto | Labrynth | Leopardo | Leopard |
Liberdade | Freedom | Linda | Beautiful |
Lula | Jellyfish | Luminosidade | Radiance |
Mar de Flores | Sea of Flowers | Maravilha | Wonder |
Marinha | Marine | Marinho | Navy |
Mascarada | Mascarade | Milagres | Miracles |
Misterio | Mystery | Mistico | Mystic |
Motivar | Motivate | Nova | New |
Oceanico | Oceanic | Orquidea | Orchid |
Outono | Autumn | Palmeira | Palm |
Picos Azuis | Blue Peaks | Primavera | Springtime |
Primitiva | Primal | Rapida | Fast |
Recife | Reef | Rio | River |
Salvador | Salvador | Samambaia | Fern |
Samba | Samba | Sarinha | Little Sarah |
Selva | Jungle | Sereia | Mermaid |
Serena | Serene | Serpente Azul | Blue Snake |
Sonho Indiano | Indian Dream | Terra | Earth |
Tranquilo | Tranquil | Verdura | Greenery |
Viagem | Journey | Vibrante | Vibrant |
Vinculo | Link | Viva | Alive |
Voar | Flight | Vortice | Vortex |
Zen | Zen |
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