What's in a (print) name?

Some of you awesome followers may have seen our post in June which announced our 100th unique print. It's not the first time we called on our fans to help name our prints. 

With our next NZ Made Range as part of the Gratitude Collection not too far away - we decided to share with you ALL of our previous print names, so when you're helping name one in future collections you can refer back here to see if we've already had it. 

WARNING: print naming can be addictive and is best completed with a lil' glass of somethin' somethin' in your hand. Be sure to keep an eye out on our socials to get involved in the next print naming fun! 

Abundante Abundant Activo Active
Alegria Joy Amarelo Yellow
Amazon Amazon Animado Excite
Aquatico Aquatic Arara Parrot
Ativar Activate Atrevido Sassy
Aurora Daybreak Aventura Adventure
Botanico Botanic Brasa Ember
Brava Brave Caleido Kaleidoscope
Caligrafia Calligraphy Carnaval Carnival
Celestial Heavenly Chita Escuro Dark Cheetah
Chloezinha Little Chloe Circo Circus
Colorida Colourful Coqueiro Coconut
Corrente Current  Cosmico Cosmic
Costa Shore Danca Dance
Diamante Diamond Electrica Electric
Energia Energy Enegizar Energise
Espirito Spirited Evoluir Evolve
Explorar Explore
Feroz Fierce Florsecer Flourish
Floripa Florinopolis Florzinha Little Flower
Forteleza Forteleza Forte Strong
Fresco Fresh Galaxia  Galaxy
Hamsa Hamsa Hibisco Hibiscus
Ilha Tropical Tropical Island Illuminado Illuminate
Impulso Momentum Inspirar Inspire
Intrepido Intrepid Ipanema Ipanema
Irmazinha Little Sister Jardim Garden
Jardim Azul Blue Garden Jubiloso Joyful
Labarinto Labrynth Leopardo Leopard
Liberdade Freedom Linda Beautiful
Lula Jellyfish Luminosidade Radiance
Mar de Flores Sea of Flowers Maravilha Wonder
Marinha Marine Marinho Navy
Mascarada Mascarade Milagres Miracles
Misterio Mystery Mistico Mystic
Motivar  Motivate Nova New
Oceanico Oceanic Orquidea Orchid
Outono Autumn Palmeira  Palm
Picos Azuis Blue Peaks Primavera Springtime
Primitiva Primal Rapida Fast
Recife Reef Rio River
Salvador Salvador Samambaia Fern
Samba Samba Sarinha Little Sarah
Selva Jungle Sereia Mermaid
Serena Serene Serpente Azul Blue Snake
Sonho Indiano Indian Dream Terra Earth
Tranquilo Tranquil Verdura  Greenery
Viagem Journey Vibrante Vibrant
Vinculo Link Viva Alive
Voar Flight Vortice Vortex
Zen Zen

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