New year, still me

The countdown to “new year, new me” has begun.
It’s not long now until companies, fitness industry influencers and our aunt Mildred begin to talk about resolutions or goals for 2024.
There’s nothing wrong with setting goals for yourself. A new calendar year presents a natural opportunity for reflection and planning.
But it’s also the time when ‘weightloss’ advertising ramps up Fitness companies, corporate brands and influencers start trying to sell us quick fixes and juice cleanses, and generally just making us feel bad about ourselves so we buy their products/subscribe to their life changing ways.
Hard pass here at Zeenya HQ.
Last year we talked about having 3 goals
#1 was something audacious, a goal that lit a fire in your heart.
#2 was a goal that gave back to others
#3 was focused on adding a positive habit to your life
We must admit, these still stand for 2024. So we’re off to plot them! But we’re also looking for another level of freedom when it comes to viewing our bodies and their place in the world.
Instead of ranting hard at the fitness industry and lecturing poor aunt Mildred, we are going to keep it sunny and positive. We've compiled a list of books, podcast episodes and online resources that might help you get some peace from all the body image chaos.
Here’s the thing, we’ll keep getting sucked back into thinking badly about ourselves until we have enough self-reflection and knowledge to say to ourselves “enough”.
That’s not to say that these resources are going to fix it all, but curiosity is a great place to start. We’d love to know if you enjoyed any of these, or have some to add, flick us an email or reply in the comments below.
Wishing you a very happy, freedom feeling 2024.
With love,
Chloe + Team Zeenya
Full Resources
Podcast Episodes
Aubrey Gordon: On Freedom from Anti-Fatnes
Dr Hilary McBride: How to Follow the Wisdom of Your Body
Jess Connolley: Body Freedom this Holiday Season
Jada Sezer: Body Neutrality
The Body is not an Apology (The Power of Radical Self-Love) - Sonya Renee Taylor
Beyond Beautiful: A Practical Guide to Being Happy, Confident and You in a Looks-Obsessed World - Anuschka Rees
I Thought It Was Just Me (but It Isn’t): Making the Journey from “What Will People Think?” to “I Am Enough”: Brené Brown Women
Don’t Owe You Pretty: Florence Given
Online Resources a super cute short song from Katie Budenberg to remind you to treat yourself like you would your best friend
Health at Every Size® - Association for Size Diversity and Health
What is Diet Culture - SELF
Embrace - Documentary on Netflix by 2023 Australian of Year, Taryn Brumfitt
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